Hello, game developers!
We help Spanish developers release their first professional title.
Is this good for me?
We have designed a whole new type of incubation experience, specifically for junior developer teams. We only accept small teams (3 to 5 people) in our program.
Junior teams sometimes have a hard time figuring out game ideas that make good enough investments. That’s why our program begins with teaching how to develop game ideas that can have a better chance of working out commercially. You have to be open to co-design an entirely new the game with us.

How does it work?
The secret sauce in our formula is “The Billete Cohete Methodology” for game development. In this video (in Spanish) we explain how the program works and how we can turn your first project into a small victory for your future studio.
Do you want to become a Game Producer and look for a single resource with all the relevant know-how?
- Learn our methodology and apply it on your own studio! http://patreon.com/billetecohete
- Follow our Twitter account for developers: http://twitter.com/devcohete
How can we help?
Our program is critically different from anything out there:
We have compiled the best learning resources to provide you with a deep understanding of the video game development business. You will learn all you need to operate a sustainable gamedev studio. The team must have at least one person willing to study to become the studio CEO and a game producer.
Billete Cohete will hire the entire team so you can develop the agreed game concept for us, under a salary the entire time. We take care of 100% of the risk, and free you from the hassle of setting up a company (for now). Once the game is launched, you will move on to funding your own studio. After all costs for this first title are recovered, royalties will be 50% split between Billete Cohete and your new company.
Prepared to launch!
This experience will teach you how to work professionally on every aspect of game development, specifically regarding agile processes and state of the art tools.
Additionally to having all the required knowledge, if you want, you will have access to our network of investors, comprised only of other game developer companies.
A few words from the intrepid pioneers…